quotes about ending weekend

Sunday Scaries Strike Again! 80 Quotes About Ending Weekend

Welcome to our curated collection of “Quotes About Ending The Weekend”!

Most of us have felt this way – hiding under the covers on Sunday night, really wanting to hold on to the last little bit of fun from the weekend before Monday comes. That bad feeling washes over you as you think about the new workweek starting. But even though the weekend goes by too fast and leaves us sad, it helps to find something funny about our shared Sunday night worries.

This post has some short quotes that really capture how we feel every time the weekend must end. Whether you’re missing the free time or dreading all the work waiting, these sayings about Sunday coming to a close will make you nod along with a little laugh too.

Get ready to chuckle through the sadness as you wave goodbye to relax time and hello again to the busy weeks ahead.

Best Quotes About Weekend Ending


Simply put, there aren’t enough days in the weekend.” – Rod Schmidt


“Weekends are like sunsets; you never want them to end.”


“I love weekends, especially when Monday is still days away.” – Bill Watterson


“Having a great time at the weekend usually means you’re not looking forward to Monday.” – Jim Bishop


“I always feel like weekends should last at least three days.” – Mindy Kaling


“If you think weekends are awesome, you’ve never been unemployed.”


The Weekends are too short to sleep.” – Bryant A. Loney


“Middle age is when you’re sitting at home on a Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn’t for you.” – Ogden Nash


“The last two hours of the weekend feel like the last two hours of school the Friday before summer vacation.”


“Weekends mean doing laundry and grocery shopping instead of relaxing and having fun.”


“When the weekend’s ending I’ve got a feeling, that I don’t want to do anything.” – The Beatles


“Weekends are like air conditioners-useless if you don’t have a hot week to follow.” – Buddy Hackett


“I hate when it’s the weekend and you know Monday’s right around the corner.” – Tyler Perry


“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” – Bill Watterson


“You can always count on the weekend to turn into a Monday.” – Tim Allen


“During the week, you dream about the weekend. During the weekends, you dream about nice weekdays off.” – Bill Watterson


“Can somebody make the weekends last longer and the weekdays shorter?”


“In my mind Mondays, cancel out the whole weekend.” – Amy Poehler


“The weekend is very short but the week is very long.” – Matshona Dhliwayo


“I’m going to live in denial until the weekend is over.”


“A weekend should start on Thursday.” – Karl Pilkington


“I’m not afraid to admit that I don’t want the weekend to end.” – Ellen DeGeneres


“Monday’s color is gray, it’s meant that way, enjoy the weekend while you may.” – Shel Silverstein


“Weekends mean dirty laundry and grocery shopping instead of enough relaxing.” – Mindy Kaling


“Weekends are like vitamins. They help you survive the weak days.”


Better days are coming. They are called: Saturday and Sunday


“When you are unemployed, weekends are seven days long.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana


“The weekends are like a gift before you return to your desk.” – Kate Winslet


“Weekends don’t count if you can’t do nothing.” – Jeff Foxworthy


“The weekend is the time to turn into a vegetable.” – Jerry Seinfeld


“A day of work or rest is a day of life. Our weekdays and weekends stretch or shrink Time itself.” – Kate Morton


“The weekends are the reward for not killing people at work during the week.” – Bill Watterson


“Weekends are like food—you start counting down to the next one as soon as it’s over.” – Mindy Kaling


“My favorite part of the weekend is the two seconds after it’s over when Sunday night hasn’t started yet.”

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Funny Quotes About The End Of Weekend


“The days turn into weeks, yet somehow the weekends vanish overnight.”


“If only weekends lasted as long as the to-do list I make for them.”


“The weekend flies by like a poorly thrown paper airplane.”


“Weekends fly by faster than discounted airport WiFi.”


“I’ve decided weekends should be banned from ever ending.”


“When the weekend is over I’d rather fast forward through the work week.”


“No weekend, all weakened.” – Toba Beta


“Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.” John Shirley


“I’m counting down the hours until I can start counting down to the weekend again.”


“When the weekend ends I have to drag myself back to the real world like a caveman.”


“My idea of a relaxing weekend is erasing the last two days from my memory.”


“Can’t someone press pause on Sunday evenings?”


“Why must all good things like weekends come to an end?”


“Weekends fly by at the speed of light but work weeks feel like light years.”


“If weekends were a person I’d fight them for not staying longer.”


“I’ll miss you weekends, see you again in 168 long, agonizing hours.”


“The only happy END that I know: it’s the weekEND.”


“If only there was a time machine that could fast forward me to Friday.”


“Weekends may be over but my Netflix queue is always there for me.”


“When Sunday night rolls around all I want to do is hibernate until the next Saturday.”


“Weekends end about as gracefully as a drunk kicking off their shoes.”


“Sunday scaries are real, people – and they hit me like a freight train every week.”


“Welcome to another work week which I will survived fueled purely by coffee and daydreams of freedom.”


“The weekend flew by faster than my will to live during Monday morning meetings.”


“If weekends were stocks I’d short sell Mondays.”


“Someone please press pause on Sunday nights – I’m not emotionally prepared to adult again yet.”


“Farewell fun, hello funk – the weekend has bid its sad goodbye once more.”


“Weekends go by in a blur but the work week always finds a way to drag…”


“Can someone hit the snooze button on Sunday nights? Just 5 more minutes please…”


“Every Sunday evening I ask myself ‘Do I really have to?’. The answer is always yes…”


“If weekends were edible I’d consume them by the tray-full to make the feeling last all week.”


“I need a support group for getting over weekend withdrawal symptoms.”


“RIP weekend. See you again when my dreams give me an escape from the daily grind…”


“Weekends fly by like a sneeze but workweeks feel like food poisoning.”


“Thank you for the reprieve, weekend, but it’s back to the salt mines on Monday.”

More Funny Quotes About Ending Weekend


“When the weekend ends I experience all seven stages of grief.”


“Weekends are over faster than an all-you-can-eat buffet.”


“Farewell fun, hello fully booked work calendar.”


“Monday, you are the Grinch that stole my chill.”


“I need to figure out how to extend my weekends like I do my yoga pants.”



What do you mean that the weekend has just ended!


“Farewell freedom, hello meetings and deadlines until we party again next Saturday.”


“If only I could transfer my limited weekend hours to my unlimited workweek supply.”


“Monday you cruel mistress, you’ve come to ruin my relaxing vibes once more.”

We hope these funny weekend ending quotes gave you a little laugh as you get ready to say goodbye to the weekend once more. Remember that even though Monday is coming, you’ve got this whole new week ahead to look forward to.

Try to stay positive and leave the weekend worries behind – a new one will be here before you know it! In the meantime, enjoy these last few moments of relaxation.

Don’t forget to give yourself a mental high five for powering through another week of hard work and getting another fun weekend in the books. You deserve it!

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